Jean-Michel Martinez – Director of National Observation Service HYBAM
Etienne Ruellan – Director of Géosciences Environnement Toulouse laboratory
Mike Toplis – Director of Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées
Francis Duranthon – Director and head curator of Muséum de Toulouse

*: the author does not wish to publish his presentation º: waiting for the permission of the author

  1. Jean-Michel Martinez – HYBAM – The observatory of the Amazonian rivers. 1_Martinez.pdf (2.7 MB)
  2. Jerôme Gaillardet – The Critical Zone of the Earth: a new scientific paradigm. 2_Gaillardet.pdf (4.3 MB)
  3. José Miguel Sanchez Perez – Nouveaux enjeux environnementaux concernant la ressource en eau à l’échelle globale : vers une meilleure quantification des flux d’eau, de matière et de contaminants à l’échelle des grands hydrosystèmes. 3_Sanchez.pdf  (4 MB)
  4. Julien Jouanno – The Amazon River seen from the Ocean. 4_Jouanno.pdf (5.6 MB)
  5. ºYves Godderis – Modeling the riverine δ7Li variability throughout the Amazon Basin.
  6. ºFabien Lefèvre – HydroSIM project: Hydrology Space , In Situ and Model.
  7. Jerôme Murienne – Advances and prospects of environmental DNA monitoring in Amazonian freshwater ecosystems. 7_Murienne.pdf (2.3 MB)
  8. Thierry Oberdorff – A transnational collaborative project for a comprehensive database on Amazonian fish distribution-AmazonFish. 8_Oberdorff.pdf (2.3 MB)
  9. Jérôme Chave – Le LABEX AMAZONE : Centre d’étude de la biodiversité amazonienne.  12_Chave.pdf  (2.5 MB)