*: the author does not wish to publish his presentation º: waiting for the permission of the author

  1. Philippe Vauchel – Cuenca del Rio Madera: una nueva evaluación de los flujos hídricos y de materias en suspensión basada en 10 años de mediciones en la red del observatorio HYBAM. 1_vauchel.pdf (2.94 MB)
  2. Conrado Rudorff – Recent increase of river-floodplain suspended sediment exchange in a reach of the lower Amazon River. 2_rudorff.pdf (2.17 MB)
  3. ºW. Santini, JM. Martinez, P. Vauchel, JL. Guyot, M. Paredes, W. Lavado, J. Perez, J. Carranza, J. Le Coz, B. Camenen – Backwater and overbank flow effects on fluvial sediment transport in large rivers. The case of the Ucayali – Marañón confluence.
  4. *Sergio Morera – Seasonal and inter-annual suspended sediment transport mobilization from Mountain, piedmont and coast to the central Pacific Ocean.
  5. *E. Armijos, A.Crave, J.C. Espinoza, N. Filizola, R. Espinoza-Villar, P. Fraizy, P.Vauchel, J-M. Martinez, A. Dos Santos, G. Cochonneau , P. Fonseca, H. Segura, E. De Oliveira, J-L. Guyot – Influence of rainfall over the fine and coarse sediments in Amazon Basin.
  6. Newton de Oliveira Carvalho – Medições hidrossedimentricas no Rio Madeira – dados, consistência e usos. 6_carvalho.pdf (3.25 MB)
  7. Lidiane Cristina O. Costa, Adriana Gomes Affonso, Maria Isabel Sobral Escada – Land cover change and soil loss susceptibility: The case of Curuá-Una river basin, PA. 7_costa.pdf (6.65 MB)