
Bibliographical references (1998-1999) citing data or results of SO HYBAM

Benaim, Jean Yves and Mounier, Stéphane. 1998. Metal transport by organic colloidal carbon in the Amazon basin. Croatica Chemica Acta. 71(2):p. 405-419.
De Moraes, J.F.L.; Seyler, Frédérique; Cerri, C.C. and Volkoff, Boris. 1998. Land cover mapping and carbon pools estimates in Rôndonia, Brazil. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 19(5):p. 921-934.
Guyot, Jean Loup; Callède, Jacques; Molinier, Michel; Guimarães, Valdemar Santos and De Oliveira, Eurides. 1998. La variabilité hydrologique actuelle dans le bassin de l’Amazone. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Etudes Andines. 27(3):p. 779-788.
Rome-Gaspaldy, S. and Ronchail, Josyane. 1998. La pluviométrie au Pérou pendant les phases ENSO et LNSO. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Etudes Andines. 27(3):p. 675-685.
Ronchail, Josyane. 1998. Variabilité pluviométrique en Bolivie lors des phases extrêmes de l’Oscillation Australe du Pacifique (1950-1993). Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Etudes Andines. 27(3):p. 687-698.
Roulet, Marc; Lucotte, Marc; Canuel, R.; Rhéault, Isabelle; Tran, S.; Gogh, Y.F.; Farella, N.; Do Vale, R. Souza; Passos, C.J. Sousa; Da Silva, E. de Jesus; Mergler, D. and Amorim, Marcelo Andrade. 1998. Distribution and partition of total Hg in waters of the Tapajós river basin, Brazilian Amazon. The Science of the Total Environment. 213(1/3):p. 203-211.
Roulet, Marc; Lucotte, Marc; Saint-Aubin, A.; Tran, S.; Rhéault, Isabelle; Farella, N.; Da Silva, E. de Jesus; Dezencourt, J.; Passos, C.J. Sousa ; Soares, G. Santos; Guimarães, Jean Remy; Mergler, D. and Amorim, Marcelo Andrade. 1998. The geochemistry of Hg in Central Amazonian soils developed on the Alter-do-Chão formation of the lower Tapajós river valley, Pará state, Brazil. The Science of the Total Environment. 223:p. 01-24.
Seyler, Frédérique; Bernoux, Martial and Cerri, C.C. 1998. Landsat TM image texture and moisture variations of the soil surface under rain forest of Rondônia (Brazil). International Journal of Remote Sensing. 19(7):p. 1299-1317.
Wasson, Jean Gabriel; Marin, Rubin; Guyot, Jean Loup and Maridet, L. 1998. Hydro-morphological variability and benthic community structure in five high altitude Andean streams (Bolivia). Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie 26(3):p. 1169-1173.
Bourrel, Luc; Moreau, S. and Philipps, L. 1999. Dinámica de las inundaciones en la cuenca Amazónica boliviana. Revista Boliviana de Ecologia y de Conservacion Ambiental. 6:p. 05-17.
Cappelaere, Bernard; Lubès-Niel, Hélène and Guyot, Jean Loup. 1999. Prévision des crues de l’Amazone. La Houille Blanche. 7-8:p. 73-78.
Crabb, C. and Maurice-Bourgoin, Laurence. 1999. Mercury effluent threatens Bolivian waterways. Chemical Engineering. 106(11):p. 64.
Elbaz-Poulichet, Françoise; Seyler, Patrick; Maurice-Bourgoin, Laurence; Guyot, Jean Loup and Dupuy, Claude. 1999. Trace element geochemistry in the upper Amazon drainage basin (Bolivia). Chemical Geology. 157(3-4):p. 319-334.
Guyot, Jean Loup; Jouanneau, Jean Marie and Wasson, Jean Gabriel. 1999. Characterisation of river bed and suspended sediments in the Rio Madeira drainage basin (Bolivian Amazonia). Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 12(4):p. 401-410.
Maurice-Bourgoin, Laurence; Quiroga, Irma; Guyot, Jean Loup and Malm, Olaf. 1999. Mercury pollution in the Upper Beni river drainage basin, Bolivia. Ambio. 28(4):p. 302-306.
Maurice-Bourgoin, Laurence; Quiroga, Irma; Malm, Olaf and Chincheros, Jaime. 1999. Contaminación por mercurio en agua, peces y cabellos humanos debido a la mineria aurifera en la cuenca Amazonica Boliviana. Revista Boliviana de Ecologia y de Conservación Ambiental. 6:p. 239-245.
Mounier, Stéphane; Braucher, Régis and Benaim, Jean Yves. 1999. Differentiation of organic matter’s properties of the Rio Negro basin by cross-flow ultra-filtration and UV-spectrofluorescence Water Research. 33(10):p. 2363-2373.
Mounier, Stéphane; Patel, Nathalie; Quilici, L.; Benaim, Jean Yves and Benamou, C. 1999. Fluorescence 3D de la matière organique dissoute du fleuve amazone: (Three-dimensional fluorescence of the dissolved organic carbon in the Amazon river) Water Research. 33(6):p. 1523-1533.
Patel, Nathalie; Mounier, Stéphane; Guyot, Jean Loup; Benamou, C. and Benaim, Jean Yves. 1999. Fluxes of dissolved and colloidal organic carbon, along the Purus and Amazonas rivers (Brazil). The Science of the Total Environment. 229(1-2):p. 53-64.
Roulet, Marc; Lucotte, Marc; Farella, N.; Rhéault, Isabelle; Serique, G.; Passos, C.J. Sousa; Da Silva, E. de Jesus; De Andrade, P. Scavonne; Mergler, D.; Guimarães, Jean Remy and Amorim, Marcelo Andrade. 1999. Effect of recent human colonization on the presence of mercury in Amazonian ecosystems. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 112:p. 297-313.