

Jean-Michel Martinez-IRD Brésil
Charlotte Tournier-IRD Pérou
William Santini-IRD Pérou
Patricia Turcq-IRD Pérou
Eveling Rodriguez
Waldo Lavado
Jhan Carlo Espinoza
Delegación regional para los paises andinos

The sixth scientific meeting of the SO HYBAM held in Cuzco (Pérou) from 26 to 30 October 2015 at the Paraninfo Universitario of the UNSAAC (Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco), Plaza de Armas in Cuzco. The list of oral presentations is available below, listed by thematic sessions. Many of the presentations in PDF format can also be downloaded when it was authorized by the author.

  1. Thematic sessions
  2. Pictures of the VIth scientific meeting of SO HYBAM